Pigeons are a common sight in Canadian cities and surrounding areas, but they are less frequently encountered in rural areas during the winter. These birds have a length of 34 cm and are typically bluish grey with narrow black wing bands and a white rump.
However, despite their ubiquity, pigeons can cause several problems for homeowners and businesses. They are known to carry several diseases, such as pigeon ornithosis, Newcastle disease, aspergillosis, pseudotuberculosis, pigeon coccidiosis, encephalitis, and salmonellosis, which can be transmitted to humans. Additionally, the fungus histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis may be contracted while cleaning up accumulations of pigeon manure. Pigeon ectoparasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites may also bite humans, possibly transmitting disease and causing welts or skin infections.
Pigeon droppings can also cause aesthetic problems, as they can deface and speed the deterioration of buildings, statues, and automobiles, and may land on unsuspecting pedestrians. Furthermore, pigeon nests can clog drainpipes.
At Paris Pest Control, we offer professional and high-quality pigeon dropping removal treatment for balconies. Our exterminators will remove the hazardous droppings and sanitize the area, ensuring that you and your family can safely use your balcony. We also offer the installation of pigeon-proof netting for balconies, which comes with a warranty. To get a free estimate and book an appointment, please call us now at +18553950075 or +15483284966.