2 Mcgovern lane Paris, Ontario N3l0k3 CA
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What You Need to Know About ants in Your House

There are different kinds of ants seen in Canada. Their size  ranges from 1.5 mm to 13 mm and queens can be as big as  25mm, depending on their type. Below is a list of ants seen in  Canada 

European fire ant 

Crazy ant 

Field ant 

Honey ant

Large yellow ant 

Odour house ant 

Acrobat ant 

Little black ant 

Pharoah ant 

Pavement ant 

Carpenter ant 

The carpenter ant, pharaoh ant and pavement ant are the  most common ants found in Canada. Most ant infestations  occur in late spring and early summer. Ants like moist area  

ants can be found in the kitchen area, bathroom, door frame,  window frame and sometimes in the baseboard of the house.  Carpenter ants primarily take advantage of moist conditions  in structural wood wall voids, insulation, and hollows of doors  etc. to construct their colonies. A colony will consist of  different castes, I.e., larvae, pupa, minor and major workers,  reproductive and a founding queen. They swarm in mating  flights and may be the first sign of a carpenter ant problem. A  founder queen will establish a colony by laying 20 to 30 eggs  and then feeding the larvae until a population occurs. The  colony will continue to mature for 3 to 6 years, at which time  3000 or more members may be present. Ants can cause  irreversible damage to wooden structures of houses. residual  spray treatment is recommended for controlling carpenter  and pavement ant infestation. For pharaoh ant bait gel  treatment is recommended. Call now @ +18553950075,  +15483284966 to get a free estimate and book an appointment for Ant control treatment. All Ant Control  treatment comes with a warranty at Paris pest control.

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